Why start a blog? Ask Gwen Stacy…

These days not only do writer’s have to write.  They have to sell.  Sell themselves, sell their books, and practically sell themselves.  I’ve start this blog to sell myself to you.  To get you,  hopefully, interested in my writing and interested in me.  At the moment, I’m going to tell you about my love for comic books.  I have two favourite characters.  Catwoman from DC and Gwent Stacy in Marvel.  I always loved Gwen. The first comic book I read was ‘The Night Gwen Stacy Died ‘ – quite the conic to get started on.  I was obsessed straight away.  How could an innocent girl die? How could spiderman not saveven her? It was shocking for a seven year old to take in! 

Gwen Stacy, Art by Alex Ross

So, I sort of became obsessed with her character. Long before all of this Spider-Gwen stuff, she was my favourite Marvel girl.  I always thought she was very classy.  M.J in comparison was a bit tarty and crass. It also really bugged me when the character of M.J was cast in Gwent Stacy’s storyline in Sam Rami’s ‘Spider-man’ – but I feel that Emma Stone more than made up for it in the ‘Amazing Spider-man’ film’s.  So, basically, I felt that since I read comic’s every month I would make this blog about conic books.  The first one I felt should be about Gwen in a nostalgic, sweet way.  

Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy

I felt Emma Stone captured Gwen’s ethereal, intelligent, kindness. The fact that we share the same last name is brilliant to me.  I’ve got so many people and characters that I look up to and admire.  Gwen Stacy is one of these characters, always captured in her black go-go boots, her long blonde hair and her Alice band. 

The fact that her character died made her more special to most people, she was the patron saint of comic book characters. The first innocent who couldn’t be saved by Peter Parker.  They brought her back as a clone and finally as Spider-Gwen, but she’ll always be the beautiful, tragic Gwen that couldn’t be saved.  

Gwen Stacy came back to fans as Spider-Gwen

That’snot to say that I don’t buy the Spider-Gwen books, or that I won’t be reviewing them (as long as the ‘long dead clone saga.’)  

I’ve always loved Gwen’s character for so many reasons and I’ll be reviewing the conic books involving her.  This is my first blog post, just to tell you a little bit about me.  

I hope you’ll stick with me and learn more as I post more.  Take it easy!  

Christmas Horror Shorts

Steven Stacy’s (under the pseudonym, Steven Murray) first time working with Kevin Kennedy was in this book.  The short story. ..

Stuffed Pig

The short story took part of its influence from the Sharon Tate murders;  the story surrounds a group of friends celebrating Christmas Eve.  This fun is soon stopped by a home invasion.

Steven was honoured to be part of this book that went to number one in the UK and USA horror anthology charts on Amazon.  The writers that are in the book are superb and all the stories are very different.  It’s a really great read and, of course, highly recommended!